Join visual art journaling veteran Elaine Frenett for a weekly gathering to equip you with skills for your own journaling. Elaine has moved to México and now teaches in Chapala, Jalisco.
- Get reacquainted with pigments and color mixing.
- Basic watercolor painting.
- Playful, inventive approaches to writing in your journal.
- Flowing text around your visuals and page design.
- Grasping the multi-layered benefits & joys of journaling.
This series of six two-hour classes is limited to 6 students. Some drawing and watercolor skills are needed to make the most of the class.
Where: Diane Pearl Gallery & Art Center
Sta Margarita 23, Riberas del Par
Chapala, Jalisco, México.
Phone: 3767665683
When: Fridays from 10 AM – noon, July 23–August 27, 2021.
Class fee, materials kit for purchase (Professional/Student grade), and more info upon request.
Find more information about Elaine throughout this website and at
Contact Elaine at or Diane Pearl to register.
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