Elaine Frenett, Artist

Duck Lake Cabin

Duck Lake Cabin

Duck Lake Cabin

Cora’s Garden

Cora's Garden, Watercolor Painting by Elaine Frenett

Cora’s Garden

Dusky Penstemon

Dusky Penstamon, Watercolor Painting by Elaine Frenett

Dusky Penstamon

Chiming Bells

Chiming Bells, Watercolor Painting by Elaine Frenett

Chiming Bells


Columbines, Watercolor Painting by Elaine Frenett


Evening Glow, Ajijic, Mexico

Evening Glow, Ajijic, Mexico

Evening Glow, Ajijic, Mexico

Morning Shadows

Image of Morning Shadows, watercolor painting of a river landscape with autumn colors by artist Elaine Frenett.

Morning Shadows

Morning Poppies

Morning Poppies, Watercolor Painting by Elaine Frenett

Morning Poppies


Playful, by Elaine Frenett


Portrait of June Kitching

Portrait of June Kitching

Portrait of June Kitching

A heart without words is better than words without a heart. ~ Gandhi

Color Gathering, Ajijic, Mexico